Friday, March 16, 2012


So I'm hanging out in Colorado for my cousin's missionary homecoming. And it's 70 degrees... That's crazy.

This is a picture of me and my brother. He is still at the age that it's still cool to miss me. Too bad my other siblings aren't. 


  1. That's so nice! It was 65 degrees here the other day. I loved it! Have fun!

  2. The weather was SO nice... and then it snowed :( But I guess that's Utah for you!

  3. Ya, Utah sure is bipolar. Hope you had tons of fun in Colorado! I know this is far-fetched and Colorado is very big itself, but do you by any chance know any of these people: Derek Driggs, Mikaela Merrill, or Bri Vail? They're all from Colorado, so thought I might take a shot at it. haha ;)

  4. I hope you had fun! I can't wait until it's nice weather consistently!

  5. Tiffany, sorry I don't, I just mostly know people in my stake/city. Colorado weather is the same way as Utah... Maybe even a little more extreme sometimes. They've had a bunch of snow this winter though.

  6. I'm sure your other siblings miss you a ton, they just don't let it be known!
